21 September, 2011


What do you do when you see a tall, ffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrr, bald, lean, handsome dude walking like a Greek God, in your office premises, gives you a look ( a killer for that matter) and walks away into the office, whilst you are taking a walk(after lunch) with your friend????

Have you ever extended your walk and checked the elevator area, dude's not there, checked the staircase, found him, you walked up the stairs, pretending to tell your friend that your manager is in this building(instead of the other building where you sit) n you have come here to meet the manager?? And then seen the dude disappearing in the training room. Your friend says Trainee hai, and you say really???
Disappointing and so not fair, he is just a trainee and you a Veteran here.

Well, anklet and me did that today ;) followed a greek God, only to find he is a trainee here.