24 September, 2014


...Win some and Lose some!!!

Well losing doesn't come that easily to some!!! Ahem ahem thats ME!!!
So this is charged up - Part 2.
Out of excitement, decided to participate in indoor games.
It was fun till we were practising and winning games during practice.

It was totally different when it came to playing the tourny!!

So I played against Isha.
Whoever (wise or otherwise) says  it "Never underestimate your opponent" that does make sense after a loss (whatever!!!).

So the game was of TT.
Best of 3.
First game - I won
Second game - Isha Won
Third game - I was 10 -3 and let Isha sneak the victory off my hands so sweetly.

Well, whats lost is lost!!!

I intent to take it one step further.

Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice
Practice Practice Practice Practice ....infinity!!!!