27 February, 2012

Funny Sunny Bunny

Sunny is funny and so is the elder sister and so is the mother and so is the father.
Basically, it runs in the family.

Well yday meme gave a long chakli to Sunny. He was holding and sucking on it for quite sometime. I had to take him for a wash soon after that and hence I took his hand closer to my mouth and ate the Chakli while all the time giggling and smiling at him.

Soon after the wash we came back to the hall and meme was eating chakli so she thrust a bigger one in his hand. Instead of putting in his mouth he offered to put it in mine. This was good till the time I willlingly ate it and he giggled. The second time around I objected and kept telling no no no and pushing him away. To which he more than willingly started climbing on to me to thrust the chakli in my mind and all this while grunting (so that I should open my mouth) and giggling when I chose to eat it.


Sunny, the stud, is full of surprises. First he surprised us by rolling at 2 months, and then started crawling at 4 months and then standing up at 9 months and it doesn't end there.

The other day, after finishing my coffee I left the coffee mug on the floor, while concentrating hard on the soap on TV. The lil bugger, comes crawling at a speed of light, accompanied with meme's voice in the background which kept telling me to watch out cos he has got his eyes set on to something and I couldn't figure out what. Finally, he picks up the coffee mug with one hand and puts it to his mouth. Thankfully there was nothing in it. The other day, he lifted a bag full of a dozen of small bananas and was trying to throw it off.

The other day he was standing besides the dinning chair, and after fraction of second started moving that big heavy chair. He fond pleasure in doing so and he was moving it all over the place.

He has found a new fancy for cameras and pics. When the flash falls on him, he pushes his head back, snorts his nose, closes his eyes and pulls his mouth to a smile displaying his 2 cute teeth and waits for the 2nd flash to click him.

Cracking the paints on the wall looks like genetic. Chiku used to be so passionate about digging the paints (ya no scratching, it was literally digging) off. So is Sunny passionate, if he is bored of playing with everything else, or on his way to the kitchen, he would take a pit-stop to dig the paints and cement off the wall. Naughty!!!

The lil boy is STILL absolutely fond of water, u leave him with the tap on, and rest assured everything around him well be nice n wet. Loves bathroom a lot, keeps crawling towards the bathroom and wants to just be there.

Sunny, the bunny

Sunny is really the bunny, his antics are so damn precious precious precious. And everytime he does something sweet, I never have my camera around. Though I have a whole load of pics, I don't have the antic bit.

Like the other day, meme gave him a lolly pop and after a couple of swig, I took the lollypop and took a swig, then gave it to him, then took another one, and gave it to him. Everytime I would take a swig he would giggle. His giggling and gurgling are beyond nirvana. So after a couple of times of swig, finally I gave the lolly to him and then while he was taking a swig I asked him "baba give mumma aaaaa " and guess what the lil boy obliged, he would take a swig then give it to me then take another one then give me one bit. And Finally chiku the gunda arrived and stole the lolly from both of us and ate the whole thing up.

At 11 months, he still doesn't say words but some of his actions are so cute. Like he still sucks his index finger when he is very sleepy, and sometimes he puts the other index finger in our mouth to see our reaction and then there his face splits into a smile.

He calls out, most of the time to chiku. He doesn't like it when chiku is fast asleep, he will pull her hair, throw himself on her and try n wake her up. The best times for him are when they both are running around n playing.

Taught him to point out to the fan, and when he does point out (with too much coaxing) its like an achievement. Taught him to do Peek-a-boo, by closing both his eyes with both his palm, but ofcourse the bunny has to have his own style na, so he brings his right palm and covers his head to show his version of peekaboo.
He finds it funny, when I shout at him or glare at him with big eyes. He thinks its some kind of a joke n he smiles. He has got into this habit of stripping the walls of its paint. He does with complete concentration and nothing can deter him. No amount of yellling shouting or small beatings on his tiny hands. Infact, he gets irritated scowls back at you and goes right back to where he left off.

His crawling is like a small baby elephant swinging its head from one end to the other like to shooo away some flies. He sleeps soundly and if he does get up, he just starts crying and starts crawling heading in the direction of the kitchen(I somehow feel he thinks I ain't around and hence). Now Sunny, bangs the door if he knows that someone is there on the other side of the door, he does that to me when I go to the washroom, as well as to meme, when she goes for bathing. And he continues to bang till the time one wouldn't open the door for him.

He loves to hold on to things and walk. Dinning chair is like his favorite toy, he keeps pushing and pulling each one of it, till they are all out of place.

The latest in his list of affections is the Teletubbies. He watches with his palms joined together and tucked right under his chin. Shocked is the word.

Time flies it sure does flies!!!

Chiku says - @4 years and 5 months

And everytime she opens her mouth, I think she is gonna say something thats gonna make me really upset or put me in a split.
But on the other hand, for Meme, Chiku talking is like music to her ears. There is such a deafening silence when Chiku is fast asleep.

At 4 years and 5 months, she can really talk non-stop, so much that even if I want to ignore her blabbering and go on with my work, I just can't. And eventually I burst out with a ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh. To Mummu, sorry baby, you really can test peoples patience including your mums, well correction, especially your mums.
If I reiterate to meme, I only get a standard response, its in the blood. Ya right!!!

The last few days have been a roll of some of the most funny things that chiku has said.
Yesterday, after Sunny did his potty, and his father gave him a wash, the father unknowingly picked the towel closest to the bathroom door and wrapped the boy in it and brought him to the hall, where our darling chiku was happily watching TV. After giving a look to the father and brother she went back to watching her favorite channel CBeebies and the father and son walked away to the bedroom. AFter a fraction of second, she runs to her dad and says " Why you using my towel?". Daddy "Is this your towel chiku? I am so sorry I didn't know. And I couldn't find baba's towel so used yours. Its ok na baby, baba is a small baby na? " to which she promptly replies "what you can't see? Baba's towel is right here on this door that much u can't see." Well, though the father did a double take, he couldn't help but burst out into laughter.

Last night, after clearing the vegetable stock and cleaning the kitchen platform at meme's place, I just didn't have the strength to do anything else. Just then, chiku decides to check on me, she asked "mumma are you gonna wash utensils?" And I replied "No baby, mumma is not doing bartan, mumma is very tired. I will just clear off few things and then we can leave for home" And I assumed chiku would be so happy to hear that, cos by the time I finish off doing bartan its late in the night. Guess what she says "Of all the things you could atleast wash the bartan for amma, no?"
My word. I couldn't believe my ears, these are the dialogues I give to Su when he hasn't met my expectations of household chores are concerned. Well nothing else could be done other than laugh.

She NOT only talks but understands as well. I got some stuff for Anne(well her own stuff). Looking at the sling, Chiku asked "mumma why you giving this?" So I said "This is Annette mummy's na, so we have to give it back" pat comes" then how will we carry Baba"
I said "its ok, baba is a lil bigger we can carry him in our hands or baba can walk".
Chiku " annette mummy has got new baby" to which I replied "No. Not yet."
and She thoughtfully responds "oh baby is still in Annette mummy's tummy."
and I just had to say a yes and distract her.

Chiku and baba share a great bond. And its absolutely amazing (touchwood) to see them. She keeps talking to him like a really big sister, sometimes when I hear her I feel I m listening to myself. When Sunny is notorious and not in a listening mood she would go on with "babaaaaaaaa eeh ehh ehh" a slow grunting sound to show authority and seriousness. And its totally different thing that baba doesn't care at all. Sometimes she says " Baba, don't do like this, you will get hurt na" and sometimes " Baba don't pull my hair, I am your big sister na I am didi na" and sometimes "adi veno" (you want beatings, with her small palms in action).

Amidst all this, her favorite thing to do so is sing bollywood songs, and these days are favorites are "dhunki dhunki lage" and "why this kolaveri di?" Beautiful thing is she knows to modulate her voice as per the song.

I must tell you chiku, though I am irritated at times, but everything that you say is really adorable.