03 February, 2011

Baby Boom...

That too gals.

Just got news from Kavita that she delivered a baby Girl (3rd Feb) yesterday night. It was C-section

Last to Last month a similar message from Aruna, delivered Baby Girl on 29th Dec, C-section again. Just the very next day, got a message some lady in the team delivered Baby Girl on 30th Dec, C-section again.

Jeez, its soon going to be my turn, n I sure want to change the trend, as far as the C-section goes, no matter how trendy or smart the techniques have become I just don't want to be cut open. Sorry Koshi Baby, but mumma feels very strongly about it and is $hit scared of needles and knives, so please please do something about it. Something like somersaulting (Babies are so good at it). Last week the check-ups were great and the way the doc said "Baby's head is finally locked", you won't believe Koshi Baby, I was so relieved and I RE-LIVED (in the actual sense of the word). In our 36 weeks now, We went for our regular check-up n there the doc said "I am not sure if the baby's head is locked". Jeez Koshi, when I said "Babies are good at somersaulting" I meant just somersault once, "fix urself" and just stay there baby. Know what I mean??
Here's my shortest and first letter to you baby:

Baby Koshi,
Head down, Sweetie, Head down Please. :)