26 June, 2007

Up to what???

So many days and hardly anything to write….nah …not possible…Actually I started writing a whole load of stuff and then left it half way through. Will pick them up soon and put in neat pointers. So in the mean time, what have I been up to ??? Quite a load of interesting stuff.

1. Getting used to my new project, that includes getting accustomed to work and to know the ppl in the team, our own gang and the Korean clients.
2. Finding an English tutor, for one of the Korean guys. I almost found one, but then the tutor didn’t agree on the fee amount…sad
3. Helping one of the Korean guys to get the recipe for tandoori chicken and also converted that into Korean language
4. The next task in hand is to find a suitable, reasonably cheap and good quality salvar suit for the Korean guys wife :D as of now its just pointing him to the right stores. So scanning my grey cells for good shops.
5. Finding innovative ideas to surprise Sunshine (that’s Suraj) like sending him Ferrero Rocher through the office ka internal courier. Oh btw FR was gifted by one of the Korean guys (the guy who was looking out for an English teacher)
6. Getting in touch with old college friends on orkut (that is whenever I get access to orkut). I met one of my friends yday after 10 years and it felt like….hmmm…. Nothing…we spoke a lot…and I didn’t feel that I met him after such a huge gap. All I could think of during this time was, he has been married for almost 7.5 years (one of the first guys amongst our college batch to get married)
7. Getting up early, cooking and eating well.
8. Pulling out all those short dresses from the wardrobe and doing a massive mix n match n dorning them these dayz.
9. Attending weddings (which is very surprising cos I change my mind millions of times to go for any weddings or rather to not go for a wedding, be it closest friend or someone the family knows)
10. Generally smiling and being happy and writing mails and smiling and checking out blogs and smiling and dressing up and smiling and dreaming and smiling and smiling (touchwood)

And what I have NOT been upto L
1. Reading newspaper and books(that includes mummu books)
2. to finish crochet lace for mummu
3. exercising(yet to call the doc for antenatal exercises) and going for walks and meditating and spending some time quietly with myself
4. Going to church and praying most importantly(yet to register myself with a church)
5. Not picking up calls on the very first ring and forgetting to return back calls (temporary amnesia during pregnancy)
6. my appraisals till NOW(last day is like 3 days away)
7. to carry the protein milk powder
8. to click the crow-baby pics (there “are”, well actually, there “were” these 3 crow babies lying in a nest right outside our window and I have been planning to click their pic for a long time and I didn’t do it…now they flew away)
9. to pick up something new to learn
10. to go to meet meme(that’s my mom) L


Risha said...

my god at this stage,,,you really doing a lot of things and moreover you write, need to learn something new....gosh...i think mummu is going to be very enthusiastic and energectic child [:)] dont be surprise when mummu says..ok mommy...whats next to do, I finished this and i finished that:-)

Pushpa said...

@Risha : thanks darling... :)