20 September, 2011

25 minutes to go

nope not talking about the MLTR lyrics. (Though, on 2nd thoughts I have all but forgotten the lyrics, I should start listening to music) . Nothing to do with the song. Nothing to do with the number, but ya something to do with the time.

Mornings are such busy times, especially, when you have to catch the office bus, which seems to come a couple of minutes earlier, only when you are late.
Me, I always manage to leave the house at the nth hour, correction, nth SECONDS. Distance from home to the stop, about 2-3 kms. Time it takes to reach the stop, if you are a snail like me, then 45 mins of leisure walk or half an hour of fast walking(which includes few mins of leisure walking too), or 15 mins of jog(few mins of fast walking...and a whole load of splash of mirk on my outfit...ya its thanks to the muddy dirty road). The bus reaches the stop ideally by 8:02am give or take 3-4 mins. The ideal time to leave the house, one would say be 7:30 and what time do I leave???

Today I left the house at 7:45am. Yes, you heard me right, 7:45 am. If that was the time when I left the society it would still have been ok. And then I tried catching a rick, no luck. So I thought to myself, if I keep looking for easy options it wouldn't work, I challenged myself and sprinted (read - Jogged) away and guess wat??? the bus was on time 8:02 and I had reached a good 30 secs prior to that. Lucky Me. But then ofcourse thats ME!!!!

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