27 February, 2012

Funny Sunny Bunny

Sunny is funny and so is the elder sister and so is the mother and so is the father.
Basically, it runs in the family.

Well yday meme gave a long chakli to Sunny. He was holding and sucking on it for quite sometime. I had to take him for a wash soon after that and hence I took his hand closer to my mouth and ate the Chakli while all the time giggling and smiling at him.

Soon after the wash we came back to the hall and meme was eating chakli so she thrust a bigger one in his hand. Instead of putting in his mouth he offered to put it in mine. This was good till the time I willlingly ate it and he giggled. The second time around I objected and kept telling no no no and pushing him away. To which he more than willingly started climbing on to me to thrust the chakli in my mind and all this while grunting (so that I should open my mouth) and giggling when I chose to eat it.

1 comment:

Whizkid said...

he is just reminding you that if you eat what is his..he will make sure you are fed the 4 times of what he was supposed to eat....lol