30 April, 2020


And you ALWAYS had the cutest ones, ever since you could talk. Even when you couldn't talk, you still had the cutest things to say.

At almost 1 year - Your favorite word was "gig gi". You would say gig-gi gig-gi for almost everything. You wanted water, you would say gig-gi. You were hungry, you would say gig-gi. You were happy, you would say gig-gi. When you were sad, ohhhhh when you were sad and weepy, you would look so cute.

At almost 2 years - You didn't know how to say or pronounce "r". Reliance was Leliance, ThRee was ThLee. FouR was FoooouuuuLLLL. SuRaj was ThuLaj. FRidge was FLidge. CaR was CaaaL. StoRy was StoLy. Bedroom was BedLoom.
Once when you were 2, cuckoo had gone down to play. You kept asking "Mumma, cuckoo no coming home?". I said, "Baba, Cuckoo went down to play. You call cuckoo from the balcony and ask her to come soon."
You hopped to the balcony, and is always as the case - with 1 hand waving right outside the grill, one leg dangling right outside the grill, you called so loudly. You called "AaaaaaassssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIII, AaaaashuuuuLLLLLLLLLiiiiiii, come home now. Mumma will aadi(give you phatka) you."
That melted my heart.

At almost 3 years - You would say "I bubloo you, Mumma"

At almost 4 years - You said "This is Filllee lescuing Lobot", which meant "This is Fire Rescuing Robot"

and as time passed by your sweet words turned into golden sentences

At almost 5 years - You would ask amma "Amma, you want water". You would listen to everything that Amma would ask of you.
Amma - "Baba, bring plate mumma"
Baba - "Yes Amma"

Amma - "Baba, bring pocha mumma"
Baba - "Which pocha Amma?"

Amma - "Come here, give muchie to amma"
BAba, would run to amma, give a flying muchie in the air. You would know, Amma would laugh and call out to you "A wadaare baba, give nice muchie to amma. Otherwise, Amma give you nice adi(phatka)".

Amma would say, Baba talks so much that even when he is not at home, I can hear his voice ringing in my ears.

And now, at almost 9.5 years -
If you have to call cuckoo, you say cuccccckkkkkkkaaaaaddddddooooo cuck. or if you have to call mmmmmaaaaaammmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa(in that singing ringing tone of yours).
Your cutest are "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa kuch bhi".
OR "Aaaa Jhoote Daddy".

But my favorites are the way you call "Aaaaammmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa" and the way you call "Mmmmmmmuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

My cutest baba,
Luv Mumma

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