04 January, 2011

Fear Factor

Fear can factor so much in ones life.
Like, the fear of darkness, that fear prevents you to get up in the middle of the night, walk upto the washroom and pee.
Like, the fear of falling down, prevents you from taking a leap.
Like, the fear of losing someone, makes you overprotective.

I have been engulfed by all these fears and believe me some ridiculous ones too (ridiculous to others and pretty serious to me...like a life n death situation). The fear of losing someone, especially your baby is quite overwhelming. These past 7 months this fear has taken a toll on the best (I would like to think that way) of my blogging abilities and prevented me from writing about the most important highlights of 2010, our new baby.
What altered my thoughts and helped me a wee bit in overcoming this hurdle were 2 blogs I came across.

One, was a blog that a mum had dedicated to her 19 year old daughter (whom she lost to an illness). The positivity thats conveyed in the blog can only be understood once you read it.

The 2nd, is the blog written by the daughter (a month or so before she passed away) so vivacious so lively, I felt like I was talking to someone, to a friend, I guess.

The 2 blogs are so overpowering and I have decided, I will not let my fear of losing my baby, stop me from writing about him/her.

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