23 September, 2014


Attention, Attention.

I get very few days of TV time. Shows that I like to watch, the surfing of channels and sweet sweet way of increasing and decreasing the volume.

So here I was staying at home cos Mumma papa was down with fever.
And we decided to laze arnd and spend time watching TV.
(Wow!! What an idea!!)

So here I was engrossed in what George was talking to Matt about the Blind tasting session and how Laura was reacting to Marco walking into the tasting area carrying his dish and there comes a tini tiny snap snap sound in my ears and 2 lil fingers snapping their way to glory, right infront of my big eyes.
I go "what?'
Mummu goes "Mumma I am trying to get your attention here. You are so engrossed in watching TV TV all the time."
I go stumped.

And you would think ONLY you try to get your kids attention ever, whilst they are happily watching TV.

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