23 September, 2014


Totally totally Charged up!!!

And WHY not!!!
When a lil bit of craziness and madness is added into your daily lives, One does feel charged up!!

So I wanted to be a lil Brave(read - Crazy) this month.
Decided gotta do something wack wack Whacky!!

The first one was Lezim dance.
Ganged up with all these young(ya it pains to say that but true it is) dancers at work and formed a team of 12 ppl.
Told the choreographer Bina (Panchal) that I won't chew anybodies brains but will just come and dance.

So didn't go for 2 meetings where they decided what songs they are gonna choose and who all are gonna participate.

Song - Deva Shree Ganesha (Agnepaath 2)
What a song !!! when the output goes into those amazing amplifiers and you hear the enhanced and a super rocking version of it, you go Woooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!

At the practice sessions, people were picking up steps on steps...and I was just being myself, cracking jokes, giving high fives and just enjoying myself...whereas the choreographers Bina and Bhavesh and Deepika (and a lil bit of all of us) were racking their brains as to what steps are we gonna do, how are we gonna synch up, what do we wear and who was missing more steps.

Till the morning of the day of the final event, one of the other gals and some of us were lacking energy, making mistakes and just not getting the synch right.

In the end, we just needed a minute to chill and some sweet tempo of our song playing on the whoofers and speakers and we went berserk.

Final Show, we performed like there was no tomorrow.
Grace, Steps, Smiles, Syncho and lots and lots and lots of energy.

Got millions of complis and till date continue to get it.

"You were simply rocking"
"Felt like dancing with you'
"That was crazy....but lovely"
"Have you learned classical dancing"
and many many many more

and the whole gang said:
"What an energy yaar"

One rocking feeling that lasted for a whole of 2 weeks and continues to bring smile on my face!!!


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